What's New

The girls are more than happy to announce that we are finally back! After our short hiatus - 9 months isn’t really that long - we’re reviving As We See the World (AWSW) as a bigger and definitely better blog. Other than the cleaner and more sophisticated lay-out, we've also made some changes with our article categories hoping to deliver more to our readers while making things a little convenient on our part – because yes, living in different time zones is very difficult.

Instead of posting our uniformed articles fortnightly (or every other week, if you prefer) we’re going to make it a monthly thing. We will be writing under the same topic or question just like before but instead of making individual articles, we’ll answer them in a few paragraphs and compile everything in a single post. We’re also hoping to make this more interactive by having our readers join in the conversation. Read here on how you could contribute and join in the fun!

In our longing to write for ourselves, we've added another category that we’ll be calling as our Diaries. It’s basically our license to talk about personal stuff – hoping our lives would be interesting enough – and share sweet nothings about anything else under the sun. Maybe it would be safe to say this is our own little attempt to show a speck of our personalities. We are unique individuals after all and we can’t be serious all the time. *insert soft discreet laughter here*

So having our Monthly Reads and Diaries, anything else that won’t fall under these two categories will be filed under Miscellaneous. From certain reviews, features, photos, to random videos, anything that’s worth sharing goes there. Just so you get the whole new idea, future posts that are somewhat alike to the Montages and Storyboards that we used to have before will now be posted under the Misc category.

As for our new lay-out (the girls are very proud to be able to build something this pretty) we’ve tried to make it more convenient and neat for your reading pleasure. We've constructed a Feedback page for you to leave in your sweet – or sour – messages or questions that if time permits, will be answered via video. So it’s going to be like a video blog of some sorts. If you love AWSW enough (we know you do!) you can now show it by adding our pre-made badges into your own sites. Just click on the Support tab to choose the badge that you fancy or you can also make one and submit it to us so we can upload it for others to use. Also, don’t forget to like our Facebook page and follow our Twitter for updates! You can also subscribe to our feed via email if you’re still active email users just like us girls.

Whatever changes we've made in AWSW we do it with pure love and such sincerity to improve things in as many ways as possible. We do hope that you enjoy and appreciate the fruits of our labor that in one way or another we can share to you how we see the world from our own perspective. It may suck wherever you are sitting right now, but it could be sunny and well somewhere else in the globe. Happy reading!

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3 feedback/s:

  1. The layout is simply beautiful. In love with it. Welcome back! I'm looking for the previous contributions but the links don't seem to be working from my dashboard. Have they been deleted?

  2. Hi Kat! thanks for the thumbs up! sorry if the link won't work, but here's a direct link to the old posts. http://asweseetheworldprev.blogspot.com/
