UAE in 10 Photos

As I was going through our old articles, I realized I didn't really share that much photos of U.A.E. Weird, isn't it? (but I do post a lot of em on Instagram *shameless plug*) I always tweet about the things I love about this country everytime I go out, like how beautiful Dubai is at night (like a cleaner version of New York, maybe?) or how crazy meticulous the government is about the grass and plants around the city. Did you know they change it after a few months so it never looks.... dry and old? It's amazing. Remind me to take a photo of it next time since it's starting to bloom now!

So here are some photos while you guys wait for me to take an adventure here. I purposely didn't include Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa cos there's a good chance you're tired of seeing photos of them everywhere. But honestly tho, I see Burj Khalifa everyday at work (it's one train station away from our office) I never get tired of looking at it while I wait for my scan to finish. It looks so surreal. The way you see it on the telly or in a magazine, it's that and even better!

Don't worry, I'll try sky diving, camel riding, and desert safari for you guys. But don't get your hopes too high on sky diving tho, not unless it's your treat then it's fine with me! But desert safari soon, I promise!

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