Long Distance Relationship 101

What I am about to tell you doesn't reflect everyone's long distance relationship. These advices may or may not help you. The author is not responsible for any arising damages and/or (future) discrepancies in your relationship. This is merely based on what I've experienced... and my own opinion. Please read with caution. 

I am not really a so-called expert with long distance relationships or even in relationships, in its utmost general sense. But having to experience it not only just once but four times out of, well, four relationship, I think I can say that I already have my decent share of it. (Don't fret! I have been in a normal relationship before, but that's a whole different story.) First of all, a long distance relationship is extremely hard. And it sucks, too! I can attest to that! So before you try and get yourself involved into one? Always remember this: How much do you want the relationship to work? (I am not only pertaining to the ladies, okay.)

Long distance relationships may start from the casual the-other-one-has-to-live-somewhere-else scenario or the usual we-met-on-the-internet-and-fell-inlove-but-we-are-miles-apart-to-be-actually-together scenario; whichever way it happened, it's still a special bond between two people. And just like in a normal relationship, long distance relationships also require a two-way street. It isn't solely up to the person who has to leave or the one who was left behind to keep the relationship but both person needs to be involve to make it work. And some factors including...

This is probably the most vital thing in a long distance relationship. We all know that in a relationship, communication is very important. Keeping the relationship also means keeping the communication in tact. I know sometimes most times we wouldn't be able to talk to them because we missed their phone calls, texts or perhaps Messenger/Skype/Viber/iMessage/whathaveyou is acting up again; but it doesn't automatically mean that your significant other has run off with someone else or that it is the end of the world. You should always be rational. Don't be so demanding as well, like asking for 100% of his/her attention. There is life outside your relationship. Live it! Don't just succumbed yourself around your relationship, and at the same time don't get yourself too faraway from it. Always meet in the middle. Settle down your communication needs with your partner and try to work it out together.

If you have major trust issues (like I used to) don't even attempt on getting into a relationship. Be it in long distance or normal relationship. Trust is one of the most important factors to make it work. If you can't simply trust your significant other, then there is a great deal that the relationship will just go down the drain. You need to fully trust each other to make things work. If you find it extremely hard to do so, uhm... word of advice? You either get yourself sorted or end the relationship. Because you'll both end up wasting your time with something that is bound to fail and it will only disappoint you later on.

Since physical intimacy is very hard to do when you're in a long distance relationship. Try to think of a way to sweeten and spice things up a bit! By that, I don't mean sending your significant a photo of you just wearing your lace lingerie or your man bits. No. What I mean is maybe if you're the poetic type, or even if you're not, sending an old-fashioned love letter once in a while to your significant can make a whole lot of difference. Do a virtual date by eating dinner at the same time via Skype or video calls. Watch the same movie at the same time. Et cetera. Those little crazy things you do will surely make the relationship bound to stay.

Usually, a (long distance) relationship ends because either one of you will cheat on someone. It isn't always the main reason but in most cases, cheating is the root of all break-ups. If you think you are no longer in love with your significant — as much as it hurts — be true to what you feel! DON'T keep beating around the bush, avoiding them, purposely ditching their calls and/or by cheating with another person because you don't love them anymore. Be honest, (wo)man up and end the relationship properly. Everyone deserves the truth after all! Just ask yourself this, what would YOU feel if it was the other way around? If your significant is cheating behind your back? If you think it's awful, then good for you. If not, then I hope you trip and hit your face, and break your nose. I am just kidding. 

So, that's basically it. There are a lot of factors that may affect a long distance relationship but I believe those four (4)  are the most important bits. If you want to share to us about your long distance relationship, please leave a comment down below. The girls and I would love to hear from you. We would be glad to give an advice if necessary. Just don't ask us to do your research paper or something. 

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