While AWSW Was Away

After a few months of inactivity, the girls of AWSW revive the blog into its former glory. Funny how an anonymous inquiry regarding the blog’s idleness made us realize how much we miss each other! So for our first monthly article, we decided to share with you guys what happened to our social and personal lives while we were off from our AWSW duties.

Jenny says...
During those 9 months of our blog’s hiatus, it was quite an eventful year(-ish) for England. In fact, I haven’t seen the country so lively during my three-year stay here. It was absolutely a first for me! Her Majesty the Queen celebrated her Diamond Jubilee back in June. I am in great awe to know someone who can reign a country for about 60 years and still looking... fab. (She is the only person I know who can pull off a “monochromatic” outfit without looking too matchy-matchy.) That’s not the only spectacle though. There was also the two big sporting occasion that was held in London over the summer. The Olympic and Paralympic Games and, in contrast to that, the Olympic Torch Relay. However, in a non-joyous side, wide area of England and Wales suffered — and some are still suffering — from floods due to heavy rains for the past couple of weeks. Forecasters also mentioned just recently that Britain might be facing its coldest winter ever. And, unfortunately, in my end of the town, the Herne Bay light switch on (which is the switching of the Christmas lights) was a huge blow to everyone especially after seeing the not so christmas-y Christmas Tree. It received lots of boos and jeers instead of booze and cheers.

The momentary hiatus of our blog was something we never expected to happen. It was like (excuse the pun) a turbulence in our trip to reach our destination. It was something we couldn’t avoid. But during those time off, I think we, or I for that matter, also gained a couple of good life experiences. Or at least that’s how I think it is to me. I am now starting to learn how to drive a car, which was something I have been frightened yet wanted to do ever since. My family and I also moved to a different place. Back in the summer, I did my first jaunt without parental supervision and meet two lovely Tumblr bloggers. And just like how we’re giving AWSW another shot, I am also taking my chances with “long distance relationship”. Yet again. And I’m quite hopeful that both — if not, either one of them — might work well this time. Fingers-cross.

Zia says…
UAE has always been a peaceful country (despite what you all think just cos it’s in the Middle East) so the things that happened over the past few months weren’t people-power worthy. A two-month amnesty started here, which basically allows the illegal residents to leave the country without penalties. To add to Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa, another proposed Dubai landmark was given the go signal recently, which would give a bird’s eye view of the city (you’ll walk on glass with the view of the city under your feet at 150 meters above ground) and is expected to be completed in a year. I also learned that UAE holds the world’s largest biometric database, isn’t that great? Kinda creepy tho, they can easily track people… remember the movie Eagle Eye? There was also a commotion few months ago when the telephone companies required everyone to register their sim cards, so that you’ll be legally and financially accountable of your registered number. There were long lines for registrations everywhere, but they eventually extended the deadline, which is great cos I haven’t registered yet.

Life here got better cos I’m getting used to everything already. It feels.... home-y now. And oh, I got my first job! This is a major life change for me cos I can’t be a lazy ass anymore. I still feel a bit down sometimes—quarter-life crisis, methinks. Besides that, nothing oh-my-god-that’s-so-cool happened. Tho I am happy to announce that I am less than 5 books away from completing my to-read-before-anything-else list, that counts, right? Also, this may sound so insignificant to all of you but one of the highlights of my hiatus was the London Olympics. Although I wasn’t there physically, I shared it with the girls through the power of the internet and it was worth staying up all night and the massive headache the next day. Rio 2016, yes?

Katrina says…
A lot has happened in the Philippines since our short hiatus in AWSW. The controversy between the country and the People’s Republic of China heated over territorial disputes on Scarborough Shoal and other distant island structures. A series of typhoons flooded cities in Mindanao and in Manila affecting millions of people. Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona was impeached and the country’s first female Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Serano was appointed in place. The nation wept over the death of DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo on a plane crash that killed him and two other pilots. The Cybercrime Prevention Act was officially passed but was later on put on hold after a wide outcry of protest from netizens both from the country and abroad. And just recently a framework of agreement was signed between the Philippine Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front calling for a new autonomous region called Bangsamoro to replace the existing Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao within a two-year period.

AWSW was more than just a blog to us, or at least to me. We have formed a group that almost seemed like a sisterhood or a cult. Hahaha! But kidding aside, it was actually very special to me since they have all made me feel young again (because yes, I am the oldest among the girls). Our short break was a little liberating on my part since our struggle to maintain the blog over different time zones – we get jetlagged sometimes – was very demanding on my part. It gave me more time for professional advancement and personal growth. But even now that I’m entering a new chapter in life – from a young adult to being a young mom! – I was still very interested and game to revive AWSW back to where it should be. Because no matter how time demanding it is, AWSW will always have a place in my heart. <3

Liane says…
While AWSW was on a break... I broke up with my boyfriend, met the queen of England and got knighted or whatever you call that, got married to a gorgeous redhead we all know as Prince Harry, and wrote ridiculously structured books and used run on sentences & comma splices for an ungodly number of times under my nome de plume: EL James.

Kidding. Whilst AWSW was on a heartbreaking cool off, I continued with my studies. I'm currently on summer holidays now because duh, this is Ausbloodytralia: The land of everything not cool. Not really, Australia is pretty awesome if you take away the shops that close very early and the very hot Christmas which makes you think like you're living on the sun. I'm going to be in Year 11 next year and I only have 2 more years left of high school. I can finally fulfill my dreams of becoming a lazy ass in two years!!!!

Anyway, enough about me. I don't think heaps of awesomesauce things happened in Australia. If you find having the redhead prime minister tripping in India fascinating, then well, that's one. Thanksgiving happened and we had a big ass turkey wi--- Oh nevermind. We don't have thanksgiving. What we do have though, is one cool ass boy band called 'The Collective' and oh my, are they as hot as 'strayan summer. And they really are talented unlike other boy bands which I will not name because I am not rude. (Sounds like 'Dan Erection') See, click here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUCsBp_Eo9A)!!!

Anyway that's it. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys more frequently soon!!

Ariana says…
That was the longest hiatus ever, but hey, at least we're back, right? What did happen while we were away? Well, we all know that Barack Obama was re-elected for another four years against Mitt Romney. Yay for more gay marriages! (and marijuana...) Hurricane Sandy affected United States' east coast tragically. And on the brighter side, gas prices are finally going back down.

Meanwhile in my life, I actually had an incredible summer aside from the internet. For those of you who read my own blog, I was accepted in our school district's summer program. The five of us had the chance to explore several colleges like USC and Stanford. It was the most exhausting trip ever, but at least we had the chace to visit Universal Studios and San Diego Zoo. My family and I went to Six Flags Magic Mountain as well. Fun indeed.

And back to reality, it's my sophomore year in high school. Not a lot has happened (except for a depressing B I received in my Graphic Design class /creys.) Then this anon asked where in the world AWSW went. Here we are again!  You know, the greatest things really do come unexpectedly.

Next month, the girls are going to talk about "Hello, 2013: Wishes and Expectations" Read here on how to join in the conversation.

6 feedback/s:

  1. Glad you girls are back! :)

    1. We're glad to be back, too!!! Glad to see that you're still with us!

  2. The girls are back! Yay! More updates soon, please? :)

    1. We'll try to update more frequently now! Thanks for your support :)

  3. Glad to hear AWSW is now back <3 <3 <3
