2013: Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! So, another year has ended and another one approaches. Oh, how time flies! As our (late) year ender post, the girls and I decided to share to you about our hopes, expectations and our possible resolution for the year 2013. And, a little recap of how we welcomed (or un-welcomed) the New Year.

Well, first of all, I am never really the one to write down my resolution since I quite had enough writing about them back when I was still in school. So, let’s skip that part instead. (Besides I don’t really want to waste your time reading a made-up resolution since I’m planning to spend the whole year doing exactly the same thing as last year — which is eat, work, sleep and eat some more.) Although I do hope that this year would be as amazing as the one previously. I really hope that I can travel more this year. Visit more parts of the United Kingdom, and meet different people like what I did in 2012. Expectations? Err...I guess it's best to live it all to 2013. Just to be on the safe side!

Anyway, I spent the last few hours of 2012 watching a movie and greeting everyone I know. I didn't really had the chance to stay late and join in the celebration with everyone because I have to get up early for work, so I was already in bed before the clock even strikes midnight. However, my parents did prepare a scrumptious Noche Buena. (At least my tummy was happy that night!) I wasn't even able to watch the London Fireworks this year, but a lot of people say it was a "complete waste of £2M". Beats me! I wasn't there to see it in person. Though I did watch it on Youtube and I think they put on a good show. I prefer the one last year though but I love this year's background music. Anyway, you be the judge! 

If you are visiting the UK this year, here are some list of events for the next couple of months:

  • Chinese New Year in China Town, London (February 10)
  • London Fashion Week (Februar 15-19)
  • Glasgow Film Festival (February 24)
  • Oxford Literary Festival (March 16-24)
  • Glasgow Art Show (March 22-24)
  • Inverness Music Festival (March 6)
  • Virgin London Marathon (April 21)
  • World Shakespeare Festival (April 21)
  • FA Cup Final (May 11)
  • Cheltenham Jazz Festival (May 1-6)
  • The Queen's Celebrations
  • Wimbledon (June 24-July 7)
  • Taste of London Festival (June 20-23)
  • Edinburgh International Film Festival (June 19-30)
Anyway, hope everyone had a great time during New Year's Day! I hope this year would be a prosperous one for each and everyone of us. HAPPY 2013 EVERYONE! 

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