G'New Year!

Hello, lovelies!!! Did you miss us? Please say that you did because I’d be really heartbroken L Kidding. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to be happy and not get broken hearted that much anymore! It’s a good resolution, hey? Very teenager-y.

Speaking of New Year, that’s what I’m going to talk about! In this post, you feel find how Brisbane (NO, NOT SYDNEY) celebrated New Year very quietly it didn't feel like a celebration, future events, my hopes and expectations because who doesn't have one (?), and if you read all through this post, you might find a list of my New Year’s resolutions that are so cliché, it hurts.

So anyway let’s talk about Brisbane and have a little bit of crash course called: Brisbane for Dummies from a Dummy. Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland –the sunshine state. It’s the most tropical state of all and the tourist destination for surfers and hot people looking for a tan. We are NOT the entertainment capital or the arts capital of Australia and the population of Brisbane is nowhere near as much as the population in Sydney or Melbourne. Now that you know all that about my dear hometown, let’s start talking about the NYE.

Last year, I went to the New Year’s celebration in Kangaroo Point, a park near the city where the big thing should happen, right: New Year’s kisses and people making out, koalas jumping around with kangaroos, all the fun stuff. Nothing like that happened though. After the clocked struck 12, there were a few fireworks and then ta-dah—finished. It mostly sucked, really. So we didn't go to the city this year and instead, celebrated New Year’s in a friend’s house.

The thing about Brisbane is you actually can’t feel the New Year spirit (if there is one) if you’re not in the city. It felt like it was a normal day and we were teenagers out of the house at midnight. If you didn’t turn the TV on, you probably wouldn’t even notice that it’s New Year’s. Australia Day is so much better, really. However, I looked up some photos of how this New Year went in Brisbane for all of us to see because I haven’t seen any fireworks on NYE to be honest.

Images all from Google because I'm poor.

Okay let’s move on. Talking about Brisbane’s New Year is depressing me. Brisbane does not suck that much, usually. It’s really just the Christmas and the New Year. 

And well, this is Sydney's God-holy-shit-I-want-to-move-to-Sydney-just-for-fireworks fireworks!

Let me talk about the future events that are way much more fun, okay?

Firstly, we have Australia Day which is an overall fun day. It’s when everyone comes to gather around the city and put on something that has the Australian flag on it. People have barbecues and Anzac biscuits, snags (sausages), and steaks. Typical Australian food. You might even hear some people say ‘mol’ a lot.

After Australia day, the next public holiday (I’m not counting holy week okay) is Anzac day. Anzac by the way means, Australia New Zealand Army Corps. It’s something that has something to do with the war back then and I wasn’t listening to my history teacher when he was talking about it. (I WAS SLEEPING I THINK, AND HE GAVE ME A C. WHAT IS THAT?!?!?) No really, Anzac day is the most important national holiday, I think. It is the anniversary of the soldiers who landed on Gallipoli and fought to set the Dardanelles free. (over 8000 soldiers have been killed and knowing the Australian population, that is way too much) During Anzac day, people can often be seen wearing a red flower: on their heads, on their shirts, on their bath towels or something. It is how the people commemorate Anzac day.

The Royal Queensland Show comes next which is an official public holiday for the Brisbane people. It’s when the EKKA comes to town! EKKA is probably one of the most anticipated things by the people in the Brisbane region. It’s pretty much a travelling carnival/circus. There are animals, rides, showbags, fairy floss—all the good stuff. It’s handy to have a lot of money though because it’s such a bloody rip off.

Last but not the least, Boxing day!!! I would really want to rename it though. I think “National Shopping Day” fits it, really. During Boxing day (day after Christmas), everyone (almost) comes out of their caves and goes shopping because everything goes on sale. Clothes, books, furniture –it’s like a year ender sale. You can get up to 70% off things! You can get knickers for just $2 each, now tell me that it’s not a bargain and I will smash ya. Kidding. Really, boxing day is a great day. People are out spending money and if you’re lucky, you might be working your part time job then and get paid double time.

That’s it. All of Australia’s holidays. Not much but all of them are good fun if you ask me. Now who wants to learn about my expectations and hopes and resolutions?!?!?!?!??

I really don’t have much of them. I learnt that I shouldn’t expect too much last year so that’s what I am going to do this year. What I'm really hoping is for puberty to start doing its job and make me hot already! And I only have two resolutions, really. It’s to not be sad half of the time and buy more lipstick!!!

1 feedback/s:

  1. Too bad, but it's soon New Year's again.

    How about following each other? Let me know on my blog!


