We're still here!

Running a collaborative blog is not easy especially when our schedules don't sync. What makes it all the more challenging is the time difference. We apologize for being awfully quiet for the last few weeks: Jenny had a two-week vacation to the Phillippines; Ariana moved to a different state; Katrina's waiting for baby Caileigh to arrive; Liane's back to school and I've been so preoccupied with work. But I'm happy to announce that we're back! This weekend, we'll be talking about the different public transportation. We'll be talking about the taxi situation, the buses, the trains and everything. We hope that this will help you get a more clearer picture on how it's really like. We would like to encourage you, our readers, to share your own experiences with public transportation from your place or somewhere you've visited. You can email it to us, or contact either me, Jenny, Ariana or Liane. Katrina will be on break for a while, as she will be with her little bundle of joy soon! :) 

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